About Me

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I am a busy wife and mother of seven amazing children. I work part time and I am a full time student planning on graduating in May of 2010, with my A.A.S. in accounting.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Weigh ins.

Last week I weighed in at 231.4

I think. I was not happy with myself for this (slight ) gain and did not get around to entering it here. which is not fair to meself. it was a small gain. I had had a couple of snow days at home with my kids and it is so easy to munch and snack, when you are snowed in with 7 kids. That really I am glad it was so slight a gain. I had to go to the bathroom pretty badly and went straight from weigh in to the bathroom. Afterwards I wondered what I would have weighed in at if I had visited the little girls room first. Oh well something to remember for the future.

This week I was actually able to weigh in on an official weigh in day (Tues and Weds are the days we are supposed to get weighed at work.) I also went to the bathroom before weighing in.

I was down to 229.6. YAY!

I have done better at working out. I feel good after a workout a bit stretched out, but not in pain. Hmmm. makes it much easier for future work outs.

I do not know how Joni did last week, this week she apologized to me because she gained weight. Her little boys birthday was this week and she said she has not done very good at working out daily. and she has had alot of soda this week.. I told her I totally understand and we talked about snacking with the kids when they are home. she said she does good at not snacking if she is not home but she likes to snack while doing housework. Housework makes me thirsty. I am having a hard time finding drinks that are good for me. though it is surprising to me how much I enjoy a nic drink of really cold water.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Well, I have been working out about every other day, still feeling the burn. but its not quite as painful. I did a different workout on the ball today, felt the pull, and a little burn as I worked out but it went away as I started my day. My calves still hurt a bit from that first wii ea active workout, but that pain is almost gone.

This morning I got up at six and did my workout. it took 30 min. had to hunt down my shoes. Maybe I need to rearrange the living room to give me more workout room, especially once carie starts to work out with me.

does grocery shopping count as a workout? it adds a lot of steps to my day. ( Dr. Oz says you should walk 10,000 steps in a day. Wow that is a lot of steps. I am going to wear my pedometer tomorrow as I go about my day and just see how many steps I get in during my average work day.

I have not been keeping track of what I eat as well as I should be (not at all). I feel like I am doing good at portions. and I have found myself turning down food or snacks, because "I don't want to have to work it off".

Monday, January 18, 2010

working out

well, the day after weigh in I tried out the eaactive wii workout. I still hurt from it. I hurt so much that I could not convince myself to do a workout on friday. On saturday I did the core secrets workout, which helped me stretch some of my soreness out. I did the core secrets work out again this morning as well as the give me 20 I feel stretched. but I don't hurt other than the pain that is still gradually lessening in my legs (from my wii workout). I am continuing to try to eat smaller amounts and drink more water.

I am also going to buy some new shoes this week, I keep wondering if It is worth the money to buy the new toneing shoes at $80- $110, or should I just get two new pairs at $40 each, so I can switch off, or have one pair for everyday and one pair for working out.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Weight and new team name

yesterday at weigh-in I was 230.2 Yay, I have lost some. not lots but some, My partner Joni, lost 6 lbs. I don't know what she started at, but WOW, great job to her. She said she only worked out twice (which is two more times than me). and she has been watching what she eats and how much.

She also came up with a new name for our team. she said she was putting our initials together and trying to come up with something good. She is J.H. I am L.W.

Our new team name is


I like it!

I did my first workout today with EA Active, a 23 min. workout then I just sat on the couch for 20 min. before I got up and showered and started my day. there are certain parts of my body that hurt lots right now, but give me a week and I will be over that. (different parts of my body will hurt then). Ha Ha

I am planning on doing at least a 20 minute workout six days a week with a longer one every other day, or if not longer a second one later in the day.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I weighed in last friday at work.

232.6 pounds. This is heavier than even my largest pregnant weight.

I know I have lost weight already though because my pants are looser on me. (since thanksgiving)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

not yet

I was supposed to get wieghed at work on Tues. or Weds. but I didn't have work on either of those days. I had decided that I would stop in after school on weds, and get weighed then. but a storm has hit SD. and I skipped school Weds morning. they cancelled it at noon anyway, so I would have only missed one class.

I am hoping that they will still let me participate in the contest. If not I will have to do it on my own, which will be harder as well as letting down my partner. I don't want to do that.

That said, I have not started keeping track of what I eat yet, or working out, telling myself that I haven't been weighed yet, so I can't start yet, (definitely a flaw in that thinking)

I have enjoyed the two snow days off from life. they are usually so relaxing. I even made banana bread today, wow, not that healthy, but yummy all the same. ( I did only have two slices).

I am going to plan on getting up early tomorrow and doing a short workout. while I am in town tomorrow I will buy an exercise ball. I am also planning on buying a couple of wii exercise games.

Monday, January 4, 2010


One of the ways that I am going to lose weight is to not drink soda. I told Tom that I was not going to buy any more soda once the new year started, He was totally encouraging. so over the new year weekend, he went through his caffiene withdrawal, and I bought some juice. Now the thing to do will be to remember that a glass or two of juice is good for a whole day, and lots of water.